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Freedom requires virtue and courage

Our services

Our Mission

The Apollonia institution offers a significant service in the field of education for Greeks, focusing on the ethical philosophy shaped and passed down by our philosophers. Knowledge is primarily transmitted through the internet, with plans in the future to organize seminars in Greece and in Greek communities abroad. The aim is to inform the public about the wealth of our heritage, as it is reflected in the surviving ancient Greek texts.

Apollonia seeks to uphold this glory of our civilization like another Atlas, believing that this legacy will contribute to the societies of the future. By returning to our roots, we know that we will become stronger

Our Goal

The ultimate goal of the foundation is to reconstruct the Plato’s Academy in Athens, starting with the teaching of moral philosophy and expanding into the arts, letters, and sciences under the cooperation and guidance of VIRTUE, our ethical value system.

Within the Academy, the Plato’s texts will be studied interdisciplinary, with great attention, and convey encoded information about the Music of the Universal Cosmos, which is, the Harmony that governs both the Universe and us, as we are an integral part of the Universe.


The foundation collaborates with distinguished individuals from various fields, while also utilizing the media to attract the interest of those who share the same dream, incorporating them into this Greek global movement.


“…πᾶσά τε ἐπιστήμη χωριζομένη δικαιοσύνης καὶ τῆς ἄλλης ἀρετῆς πανουργία, οὐ σοφία φαίνεται"

Σωκρατης  [Πλατωνος "Μενεξενος" 246e]


"...Every science, when separated from justice and every other virtue, becomes cunning in the negative sense of the term rather than wisdom"

 Socrates [Plato's "Menexenos" 246e]


Moral Philosophy

We teach moral philosophy based on the surviving texts of our philosophers, shaping better human characters

Plato's Philosophy

We teach Platonic philosophy of ideas based on the ancient texts of Socrates and Plato. Our goal is to revive the Platonic Academy after fifteen centuries of silence


Having understood the value of our language and the wealth of information it contains, we interpret and teach the words and the meanings they hold within them.

We The Greeks

Through our community, we connect Greeks from all over the world, thus providing opportunities for the exchange of information and collaborations at all levels.